April 16, 2015

a coffee and an update.

Anyone who has spent any amount of time with us knows how much we love coffee.  After living in Hungary, and now in Ethiopia, let's just say we may be tinkering on the cusp of coffee dependancy. :)

From coffee time in Portland, OR (March)

Sipping on this morning's latte I noticed the ring-like caramel coloured layers left behind on the inside of the cup after each sip.  I like to swirl it around to get the perfect combo of mousse-like foam and coffee.  And then eventually you hit the bottom.  And in many ways this is much like this season... layers on the inside, some swirls, and then empty.  

Last Thursday night was my empty.  Empty.  Sounds a bit melodramatic.  And I would agree with you now looking back.  That was decision day for us as to whether or not we were going to fly out to Ethiopia this upcoming Thursday, April 16th, or delay our tickets until ______.  Only 50% of the approval process was complete for the organizational paperwork.  And if we went, we would only be going on 30-day business visas.  Megan and I shared our thoughts, prayed together and separately, spent time in the Bible separately and still not a ton of clarity as to what to do.  

It's easier to make a decision when your single and can "couch surf".  Or when there's a clear right and a clear wrong.  A clear obedience and a clear disobedience.  Cake.  But when both decisions seem right, when both require faith... and there seems to be an almost tangible battle between logic and emotion--trying to hear God's voice in the midst of it--and there's no tip in either direction on the proverbial scale it comes to a point of empty... and then you I cry out, "HELP!"

God didn't speak to us through an audible voice, a burning bush, or a donkey.  He just reminded us of who He is--period.  And we stepped.  We stepped onto the path of He had last led us down--towards Ethiopia.  And though I didn't sense much of confirmation in either direction, I was reminded--yet again--of His character.  And slowly this cup [pointing finger at chest] is being refilled.  

So here's the timeline of what's been going on up to this morning:

  • Friday = Decision made... we are leaving on April 16th.
  • Weekend = Since decision is made, start packing / Sunday night get to share about EGCH at CC Costa Mesa.
  • Monday = Consulate day.  We were going to apply for our business visas only to find out that the process changed and there's a few new steps required that will have to be handled in Ethiopia.  So no visas.  Now, we are not leaving on Thursday.  We have to change our tickets.  We go to Disneyland (just because).
  • Tuesday = Call Airline (and anticipated paying an exorbitant amount of money to change our tickets).  One source said our airline charges $400 change fee/per ticket.  Multiply that by the four tickets we have, and you can do the math.  Plus there would be a fare differential for the tickets... upwards of too much money we don't have.  I call, explain our situation.  The agent asks what our family is doing in Ethiopia.  I shared briefly, and before I knew it, he thanks me and said it would be his pleasure to wave our change fees!  [Enter total from above that we don't have to pay + now our ticket is open-ended].  Boo-yah!  Thanks for that miracle Jesus.  
  • Today = ?
I'm thankful that He fills my cup and does so with something greater than coffee.  I'm thankful that whatever and whenever the outcome... He is always faithful.  

Please continue to pray for... 
  • His will, His timing, for our departure.
  • A fruitful season for however long the remainder of our time will be.
  • The Ayele family as their hands are FULL.
  • EGCH and for favor in all administrative aspects.
  • All the kids that call EGCH their home.
Thanks for all of your love, prayers, and support.

All the best in Jesus,

Shaun... Megan, Jude, and Sonya


  1. We love you guys and will continue to pray!

  2. WOW! Love you guys...with open hands to the One who is faithful! Beautiful...just beautiful.
