Hello Friends and Family!
Wow, it’s October already! Thanks again to all of you who prayed, supported, emailed, and encouraged us during the summer about Shaun’s work permit and our residency.…we are constantly humbled by the body of Christ and thankful for each of you being a part of our journey!
I, Megan, am going to try and start posting monthly. Starting September 1st I started another Project 365 photo journal, where I take a photo a day. At the beginning of each month I’ll post my photos and give a brief update about what’s been going on with us here in Ethiopia and what God’s been showing me.
September was a full month! On the 5th we celebrated Sonya’s 3rd birthday! Crazy that our baby girl is 3 already. We went swimming with friends and then had a birthday party over at Rachel and Argaw’s house with the EGCH kids. Here’s a photo of our 3 year old and some of her favorites!
We also celebrated Ethiopian new year (Addis Emet)... it's 2008 here! We rang in the new year with a big party, EGCH style! That typically means a lot of food and friends at Argaw and Rachel's house, followed by our weekly ultimate frisbee game. Recently, 11 of our EGCH kiddos went back to school, ranging in grades from kindergarten to fifth grade. In the summer I had some of the kids over to my house a few days a week, but now that they are back in school our mornings are a bit more quiet. Jude and Sonya started doing a bit of homeschool/preschool... they love it! We also go to EGCH to hang with the tots and babies. It's been nice to spend time with just them, while the older kids are at school. That was our September in a nutshell!
There are a couple of reasons why I wanted to start another photo-a-day project (I did one from September 2013 to August 2014). We, along with our kids, want to remember our special moments loving and living as a family here. To add, having these photos will allow us to share with our kids later in life that we all followed God's call to Ethiopia because we love Him and love the kids at EGCH. I'm hoping these photos will be tangible "memorial stones" (see Joshua 4) for our family... something we'll have that we can look back on and be reminded of God's faithfulness to us. I believe that capturing our daily life helps me to find joy and beauty in each day. Another photographer said it perfectly, when he wrote:
"This season in life is truly a gift and I believe there is joy to be found daily. I am learning that joy is so much greater and so much more than happiness. I want to live in joy, I want to capture the joy I see in my children on the days that are wonderful... and I want to seek joy on the days that are challenging. I want to find peace through Christ daily in all circumstances. I want to demonstrate grace to my family and those I'm around. I want to give myself grace and remember to seek Him at moments I feel like I'm not enough. I want to let go of worry and live in joy each day." - Ginger Unzueta
While I'm continually learning to find and capture joy in my everyday, in all circumstances of life... I find that I'm motivated to explore and engage with my kids, and also more and more thankful for this current season of our lives. My kids will never be this little, we may be living in another part of the world, and be in a totally different season in life... but we'll be able to look back and see how we've grown in the grace of our Lord and experienced His goodness!
love and blessings!
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