June 19, 2013

Blessed Eyes

"...Blessed are the eyes which see the things you see..." - Luke 10:23b

Though the context is different, this has been a reoccurring theme of ours since our arrival in Ethiopia.  As mentioned in our previous post, I had the privilege of traveling with some friends to the Hamer region.  A handful of the children at Ebenezer Grace Children's Home (EGCH) are from the Hamer tribe.  Before sharing, here are some of my disclaimers:
  1. In order to have future access and other undisclosed reasons... I will keep things general.
  2. These are my observations.  Many things mentioned are based on conversations with those within the Hamer tribe.
  3. I would love to provide more pictures but this will have to do... for now.
  4. This update will be lengthy.
I knew beforehand that we would have access to staying within the local "village"--essentially a tribal area.  This is considered a great honor for foreigners to stay with them (as opposed to the nearest town).  The village consists of extended family all living in the same area for protection, provision, and to continue to keep the tribal traditions alive.  There was no running water, no electricity, no cell phones, and no internet.  I couldn't help but think that other than a few advancements, this is how they've probably lived for centuries.  It was an honor and privilege to stay... sharing stories, laughter, meals, tea, and sleeping underneath the stars.  At the end we shared gifts, and were invited for a return visit. :)

Their traditions are their religion.  Rather, that is the most valuable thing that can be passed on to the next generation.  While there are many valuable aspects, there are others that are heartbreaking.  Our primary contact (whom I'll refer to as "Moses") has a great hope for breaking some of the traditions of his people.  I've chosen that name for a few reasons.  Number one, like Moses he was supposed to suffer death due to one such harmful tradition.  Number two, like Moses he was preserved.  Number three, God called Moses to bring a deliverance to his own people.  And such is the case with our friend, except this Moses doesn't know Jesus--yet.

Depending on whom you talk to, the estimated size of the tribe ranges from 65,000 to 80,000 people.  Of those I spoke with, there is no known Biblical translation in their language.  There are no churches in their language.  Of the churches in the area, the national language (Amharic) is used.  Many of the Hamer people do not speak Amharic.  Taking all of these things into consideration... the Hamer people are a vast group of people that are unreached with the Gospel.  Before we left, one of our guys gave a solar-powered MP3 player, containing 40 Bible stories in the Hamer language.  Moses smiled.  I can't help but hope and pray for what could be...

We have a relationship and access to a people that are some 15 hours away from us.  That relationship began through God opening doors for EGCH to take in Hamer children, that like Moses, were preserved.  We plan on taking future trips to the region: bringing clothing, more conversations, and Jesus to the Hamer people.  

Please pray for "Moses", and his people.

Argaw sharing in the village

Megan and the kids have had been able to go to the orphanage several times since our arrival.  She is now helping with crafts, and teaching some of the older kids English.  As a family, we join in on the Sunday morning services at EGCH.  Here are a few pictures...

EGCH kids singing worship songs

Sonya and her "entourage": Marta, Ruth, and Goiti

Jude crusin' in the Bejaj

Holding Sarah
Little Andinet
This week the local authorities brought two new children to EGCH.  Sarah was brought on Father's day.  She is about a week old, and was found abandoned in a local factory area.  Andinet was brought today.  We think he's about a month old.  He was found in some bushes.

Please pray for the kids at EGCH, especially Sarah and Andinet.

Thanks for the continued love, prayers, and support.

All the best in Jesus,
Shaun, Megan, Jude and Sonya


  1. Oh wow, thanks for the update - I was expecting a lot longer update (since you warned us)*wink*
    I could keep on reading more and more. *sniff* How beautiful it is of our God to have sent you guys and Argaw and Rachel and your families and others to have a Home for these babies and to reach the Hamer tribe. Oh, I will pray for "Moses" and that the Lord will bring deliverance to him and to many more through him.
    Please keep on sharing what your eyes get to see. We love you so much and keep on praying.
    by grace only,
    Isabella ♥

  2. Very very exciting things to read about!
    And it wasn't too lengthy. :)

  3. Praying for you guys! God bless and be well. It's wonderful to witness your mission work and your strong faith in the Lord!

  4. Love, love, love to hear about all that God is doing through you and the ministry. Love you all!
